Bewegung aus der Stille

Sensory Awareness-Stunden Online


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21. Juli

11. August

1. September

15. September

Zeiten: Jeweils - 19:00 - 20:15 h, CEST

Zoom: Ich werde Ihnen nach der Anmeldung einen Link zusenden.

Kosten: Flexibler Preis, je nach Möglickeit und eigenem Ermessen. 18 - 27 Euro pro Einheit.

Für einzelne Einheiten melden Sie sich bitte oben bei den Daten an.

About my work in these times of change

With the pandemic continuing to keep us from getting together for workshops, I'm giving more online classes in English and in German over the summer. They can be taken individually or as a series. See below for details.

I am feeling very humbled in offering my work these days. The worldwide development in response to persistent racism after George Floyd's death and the societal fallout of the pandemic are continuing to put in question the foundations of my privileged life. As a white male born in Switzerland I have tremendous privilege. Being in the position to give these workshops is but one manifestation of it. Though I strongly believe in the value of Sensory Awareness for myself and the people I work with, I wrestle with the question of how relevant my contribution is in the bigger picture. It probably isn't, or only in very small ways. But the practice of Sensory Awareness has much to give that can be of value in addressing how we live our lives meaningfully, individually and as a society. I'll have to grow into how this potential can be realized over the next months and years.

The upcoming classes are not an attempt at an answer but we will continue to cultivate what I believe are the foundations for any meaningful change: embodied presence, which leads to a deeper realization of just how much we are part of the fabric of this earth and how our actions as humans have consequences. It will be simple work. It needs to be. Those who know me will not be surprised by my continued focus on our relationship with the earth's pull of gravity. It's the foundation of our ability to relate and to respond, to grow strong together. We have only begun to realize, to really know in our flesh and bones, how profoundly gravity can give our lives orientation. 

I look forward to working with you.

Be well,


PS: I highly recommend this podcast with Resmaa Menakem: Why We're All Suffering from Racial Trauma (Even White People) -- and How to Handle It.