One-on-One Work in Person or on Zoom

Individual sessions are a great way to take the work to an even deeper level. Studying one on one, you receive undivided attention and the unfolding of the session follows your individual needs moment by moment.

These sessions can be held in person at my home or via Zoom – or meet with me on my travels.
For more information, contact me at  

Here is one longtime student's feedback:

“I like how our individual sessions unfold. Sometimes just sensing, sometimes just talking and feeling really heard and seen. I like being able to give slow, careful delicate attention to what is happening without having to ambitiously do something about it. I like that what I think has to be fixed takes care of itself organically when the time is right.

I appreciate your presence and support for being with what I'm experiencing in the moment. I like the permission to be truly and honestly myself without repercussion. I like being met – by you and by myself.

Individual sessions let me work with deeply held, deeply feared places in a safe and spacious way. I feel encouraged to share anything, even what may seem very small, and the careful attention it gets.  I like feeling nourished after a session, even if I have touched something I haven't wanted to feel or see. I like the simplicity of just being with what is up and not having the figure it out.  I like feeling really okay about myself and what I'm feeling.   

Because of all of those things, my relationship to my life has changed in an organic way, without a lot of fanfare or effort.  I do have more space, more direct feeling, more trusting my own way, more willingness to let things be, more love of my own peculiar nuances and a whole lot less divisive second guessing. I am more thoroughly nourished by the friendships I have because I'm less afraid of living from my heart. I don't beat myself up as much. I am able to actually have a good laugh at myself or a good cry for myself. 

Individual sessions let me explore being with and finding "here" no matter what is whirling around in my head or life.  Your willingness and ability to sit and track what is arising in me, directly asking questions and honestly making suggestions, feels like the open-handed, open-hearted love I missed as a child.  I like living, when I can, from this place of child-like wonder with solid ground under me.  This feels like true life, true me.”