Can I Give My Love to This Moment? – It may need it.
This spontaneous guided meditation was inspired by my feeling a bit stressed out, restless and all over the place at the start of the Tuesday Meditation.
The other inspiration was Charlotte Selver’s words: “People who don’t love the moment are always trying to achieve something, but when one is on the way, every moment is ‘it.’” They are on the cover of the Sensory Awareness Foundation’s journal "Every Moment is a Moment,” and they had been on my mind in recent days for some reason …
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Can I Give My Love to This Moment? – It may need it.
The Tuesday Meditations are guided meditations. We simply sit (and walk or move) in the presence of what is alive in and around us. They are not a Sensory Awareness class, though the approach is similar, a Sensory Awareness approach to insight meditation, usually a spontaneous improvisation on a theme requested by the participants.
This evening’s format was 15 min. sitting / 5 min. walking / 15 min. sitting, followed by a brief sharing, which I hope you’ll listen to as well. I was kindly given permission to include people’s voices.